(Solo Presentation) Digital Transformation in The Hotel Industry Using Generative AI and Avatars

(Solo Presentation) Digital Transformation in The Hotel Industry Using Generative AI and Avatars

Wednesday, October 9, 2024 2:50 PM to 3:10 PM · 20 min. (Japan)


This presentation introduces the latest cases of digital transformation in the hotel industry, addressing labor shortages and enhancing employee training by utilizing avatars and generative AI.

Conference Day
Day 2 (October 9)
鳳凰1 | Ho'oh 1 Ballroom
(Day 2) Hotel Revenue Summit Japan #HRSJ
Event Track
Guest Experiences
AVITA,Inc.M9 - AVITA株式会社AVITA株式会社は「アバターで人類を進化させる」をビジョンに掲げ、アバターや生成AIを活用したサービスを提供しています。ロボット学の世界的権威である大阪大学の石黒浩教授が代表を務め、70件以上もの特許の実施権と高い技術力をもとに、国内外の多岐にわたる業界のリーディングカンパニーと連携実績があります。 アバター接客サービス「AVACOM」は、アバターや生成AIなどのAI技術を活用し接客の効率化や人手不足の解消を実現します。また表現力に富んだアバターや約100言語に対応するリアルタイム翻訳機能など、高いホスピタリティを提供するための機能が多数搭載されています。 アバターAIロープレ支援サービス「アバトレ」は、多様なタイプのAIアバターと接客ロールプレイングをいつでも何度でも行うことができ、短い期間で多くの接客経験を積むことが可能となります。大手高級ホテルの受付研修でも活用されており、フロントでの接客や電話応対の研修を自動化することで早期オンボーディングに貢献しています。 - - - AVITA, Inc. envisions “Evolving Human with Avatars” and provides services utilizing avatar and generative AI technology. The CEO, Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro, is one of the most renowned robotics researchers in the world. We have collaborated with many world leading companies in various industries. One of our services is the avatar customer service “AVACOM,” which utilizes avatars and generative AI to enhance service efficiency and address the social issue of labor shortages. It includes features that offer high hospitality, such as expressive avatars and real-time translation capabilities in approximately 100 languages. Another service is the AI role-playing support service “AVATRE,” which allows users to conduct customer service role-playing with various types of AI trainers repeatedly at any time. This enables users to gain extensive customer service experience in a short period. It is also utilized in reception training at major luxury hotels, contributing to early onboarding by automating front desk and telephone response training.

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